Who We Are
Urban Hope is a faith-based affordable housing nonprofit that is focused on the East End of Richmond.
We provide safe, quality homes for individuals and families looking to rent affordably.
We also offer housing advocacy, financial health education, and one-on-one financial coaching to the broader community with no obligation to be in our affordable rental program.
We are working hard to help our clients navigate their way to greater stability, health, and prosperity through homes they can afford.
**Urban Hope clients are neither expected nor required to be involved with any religious affiliation to access our services**
Our Mission
To make home a cornerstone of opportunity by keeping it affordable.
Our Vision
A thriving community where everyone can find a home.
Our Values
Because of Jesus...
We value RELATIONSHIPS of mutual respect to empower our work.
We value EQUIPPING our clients and tenants to flourish.
We value ACCOUNTABILITY to our community and to each other.
We value INNOVATION to close the gaps in affordable housing.
What do we mean by “faith-based”?
We get that question a lot. We like to say that our faith is why we do what we do, and we hope it informs the character of how we conduct ourselves in the marketplace. We believe that every person is made in the image of God and is worthy of care. However, we are committed to creating an atmosphere of welcome for all and do not discriminate in our services and hiring processes. While our faith inspires our work internally, we have no formal faith component to our external programming.
Our founders were inspired by this scripture, and we continue to honor their legacy:
“Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise up early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat – for he grants sleep to those he loves.”