Join Our Work
Your donation of time and skill allows us to keep our rental units affordable for our clients!
Volunteer Needs
We Want You to Join Us!
What a better way to invest in affordable housing than with physical help. Let us know how we can put your time and talents to good use!
Here are a few recurring needs we currently have:
Handy Person (Ongoing)
We are looking for skilled labor in carpentry, as well as electrical and plumbing work, and general repair skills.
Landscaper (Periodic)
Several of our properties could use some beautification! If you have skill and resources to help, this is a great way to dignify our homes.
Photographer (Ongoing)
We are always trying to capture the wonderful things happening at Urban Hope. Do you or someone that you know have a passion for pictures?
Mailing Help (Periodic)
Several times a year, we have stuffing, sealing, and stamping work that needs to be done. This can be completed at our offices or in the comfort of your own home!