Sarah Hale
Sarah is responsible for strategically leading the organization to fulfill its vision and mission. Her primary duties involve portfolio development, fund development, and program execution and expansion.
Educated at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sarah holds a particular passion for those in poverty, especially children. Through her years of work as an interior designer, she learned deeply the power of home on a person, and its ability to shape relationships and daily life.
The most rewarding thing about her work is the knowledge that what she does all day, every day, is very tangibly helping to improve the lives of Urban Hope’s clients, as well as the future of the neighborhood, and by extension, our city. Urban Hope envisions a thriving community where everyone can find a home; when we are securing affordable housing that will stay affordable, we are working toward that vision.
Her volunteer work through the years has focused on the disabled, the elderly, and the illiterate. She is a deacon at Third Church and is a founder and leader of the Saints Bible Study. She loves dogs, gardens, books, and coffee…and of course her beloved family!